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IWA/CC Minutes 09-17-2014

Minutes                                   - 1 -                                      September 17, 2014

MEMBERS PRESENT:                Elizabeth Warren, Barbara Kelly, Arthur Jennings, Adam Reed, Richard Muller, Joseph Durette, Carol Heffler

ALTERNATES PRESENT:     Jack Phillips sitting for Audrey Delnicki

STAFF PRESENT:          Jeff Folger, Sr. Environmental Planner
Donna Thompson, Recording Secretary


Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION:  Councilor Steve Wagner discussed the possibility of a solar farm being built in Town as well as some of the benefits to the Town by having it here.  The Town Council would like representatives from the Boards and Commissions to form a work group to study the issue and research the feasibility/practicality of having a solar farm in Town.  A possible site could be on Barber Hill Road, involving the wildlife sanctuary and sledding hill on Niederwerfer Road, and could entail taking some of the farm land in that area.  Commissioner Arthur Jennings volunteered to participate in the work group.

CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS:  Registration forms for the Connecticut Association of Conservation & Inland Wetlands Commissions, Inc. (CACIWC) Annual Meeting and workshops were distributed to the Commissioners.

BONDS:  none
MINUTES:  9/3/2014.  Approved by consensus.

CONSERVATION COMMISSION:  Chair Warren stated that she attended the Town Council meeting on September 15, 2014 at which this Commission’s memo to the Council regarding mowing of the meadow at Wapping Park was an agenda item.  Chair Warren reported that the Council was agreeable to having the meadow mowed.  Mr. Folger stated that arrangements have already been made by John Caldwell, Superintendent of Parks, for the mowing to be done for free by resident Bob Smith.  Mr. Smith used to harvest hay from the field in the past and is a neighbor to the park.  Folger stated that there is a stand of milkweed growing in the meadow at this time, which is habitat for the Monarch Butterfly, so the mowing of the meadow will be done sometime in October.

WETLAND OFFICER’S REPORT:  The Pleasant Valley Road project is moving along well.  There has not been much rain so there have been no erosion issues and their detention basins are now established.



Appl. #14-45P – Town of South Windsor Subdivision – 765 Sullivan Ave – Inland Wetland/ Conservation Commission application for approval of a three-lot subdivision located easterly of West Rd and southerly of Sullivan Ave., General Commercial (GC) Zone.

Mr. Folger stated that he had talked to the Town Manager about some of the concerns the Commission had with the application and presented a letter to the Commission from the Town Manager.  Mr. Folger said the Town Manager has no problem with a conservation easement along the wetland portion of lot 4                       as a condition of approval.  This easement would prevent access to lot 4 by any means other than through lot 3.  Mr. Folger stated there has been a concept plan received for a proposal for lot 3 that shows the access easement.  Though the plan is not yet complete, the proposed impervious coverage would be less than 65%.

Attorney Harold Cummings, representing Steve Palauskas of CT Valley Brewing, a potential buyer for the properties, stated that the application is strictly for the three lot subdivision with the Town as the applicant.  Mr. Palauskas has a contract to purchase lot 3 and an option to purchase lots 2 and 4. Attorney Cummings stated the note #5 on the subdivision map states that lot 3 to provide an access easement to lot 4 at time of site plan approval.  The contract between the Town and Mr. Palauskas for the purchase of the property is incumbent upon the Town obtaining approval for the three lot subdivision.  The site plan would be filed after the subdivision of the lots has been approved.  The Shared Access Maintenance Agreement for Sullivan Avenue requires that there be a shared access of adjoining property owners.  Once Mr. Palauskas acquires lot 3, he will provide access to lot 4 over lot 3 as stipulated in the contract and on subdivision map.   Thus, there would be no access to lot 4 directly from Sullivan Avenue or near the wetlands located extensively on lot 4.

Mr. Folger stated that a conceptual plan was developed for a 3,500 sq ft office building with parking on the buildable portion of lot 4 that would meet zoning requirements.  It shows a reasonable distance from the wetlands to accommodate construction equipment.  In response to concern for the quality of the wetlands being maintained, Mr. Folger stated that the soil is fairly sandy and could provide a lot of opportunity for infiltration.  It is conceivable that a good portion of what looks like hardscape could be pervious.

After taking into account the need for easements, protection of the wetlands, access to lot 4, the conceptual plans, and the fact that any future applications for development of the properties after subdividing would come before this Commission, the Commission acted as follows:
Motion to:  approve appl. #14-45P – Town of South Windsor, with the following conditions:

1.  The final approved copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to the Planning Department.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.
2.  The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.
3.  The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on September 17, 2019. It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.
4.  All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.
5.  A contact person shall be identified on the plans.
6.  A conservation easement shall be placed on all wetland areas in the area designated as lot 4.
7.  The access drive and utility easement to lot 4 shall be located outside of wetland areas.

Was made by:  Commissioner Phillips
Seconded by:  Commissioner Jennings
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

OTHER BUSINESS:   Commissioners continued discussion from the previous meeting regarding the proposed “South Windsor Center” zoning map and regulation amendment.  Commissioners’ suggestions included the following:  creating pleasing views with landscaping enhancements surrounding the center core areas, while at the same time, improving water quality and removing invasive species; the use of pervious hardscape instead of impervious surfaces.  Mr. Folger will draft a memo to the Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) for the public hearing scheduled for September 30, 2014.  After review by the Commission, the memo will be submitted to PZC.


Motion to adjourn at 8:27 pm
Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried and the vote was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna Thompson
Recording Secretary

Approved:  October 1, 2014